Tuesday, November 7, 2017

A Futuristic Perspective on Slavery

Slavery is a concept that is condemned in the modern world; at least in the public domain. However, we know that it is still active in different forms. In fact, certain individuals could blame different ideologies and economic models as forms of slavery. Here, rather than fighting against slavery, I am going to take a different position on the issue. First, I am going to start from today, then I am going to stretch into the future.

Those who consider "fighting against Islam" as a kind of worship highlight the fact that Islam did not abolish slavery. The classical answer to this claim says that slavery was at the heart of the economy and international politics at the time, and abolishing it at once would be equivalent of asking the impossible from people; so, instead of abolishing slavery, Islam suggested everything possible to stop it (e.g. freeing a slave having enormous reward or the same being used as expiation for certain transgressions) other than forbidding it, and also Islam regulated the conditions of the slaves so that they could live under acceptable conditions. Although the second half of the answer is a base to work with, the first half does not stand against critical thinking.

For example, interest was also at the heart of the economy of that society, but Islam forbade it; and actually, it was forbidden in a way unlike other personal sins (2/275-279). Similarly, alcohol consumption was eventually forbidden (5/90-91), and was condemned severely in the words of the prophet Muhammad pbuh. But the same did not happen for slavery! On the contrary, Islam came with regulations regarding the conditions of the slaves! These regulations addressed their rights, which included feeding, clothing and marriage. So, the condition of a slave after Islam was not like what was seen in the West. But formulating an answer on this matter is not my purpose.

I believe that we need to calm down and look at the world around us with a more objective pair of eyes. Today, there is significant human trafficking around the world, and those who do the trafficking and those who, later, employ these poor people are bound by no laws. As such, true exploitation is taking place, and that is happening mainly because we don't want to see it! If, instead of rejecting the idea, we accepted "being a slave" as a human condition, those who are currently suffering in this unregulated and cheap economy could be followed by law and would live under conditions that are more fit for human honor.

Another case is the conditions of the middle and lower class. A lot of people criticize the modern life for one reason or another, and I may agree with some of them and not with some others. I, too, know that some people complain just to decrease their work and increase their comfort, without a regard for deserving their salary. So, not all objections from the working class are fair objections in my opinion. However, there are certain minimal conditions that come with being human. You don't earn them, you have them by virtue of being a human in the society. These rights could be defended more fairly, if the capital holders and regulators paid attention to the rights of "slaves". What I mean is, if we make a comparison by saying "if the slaves are deserving that much, a free individual should deserve much more", then we would regulate the modern life and the distribution of capital in a more fair and compassionate way.

In short, if we give up our arrogance in the face of divine wisdom and heed the directions in the matters of "slavery", we could provide a more humane substrate for most people on this planet. But this is not where I want to stop my discussion.

We are living in times where robotic technology is advancing with an unprecedented speed. With the biological and genetic developments, the idea of androids may become a reality not so late. So, imagine you have an android servant at home. By virtue of having a biological aspect, this servant is going to have what is equivalent of feelings. That is, if you shout at them, they are going to feel sad; if you deprive them of power and keep their batteries low, they are going to suffer. So, are you going to exercise your anger on them? Are you going to become a monster by committing domestic violence?

But there is also the positive picture. You treat your servants with kindness, primarily because you are an honorable human and secondly they share your happiness and sorrow in their android ways. So then, you become friends and have intimate times with them. Of course this, too, is open for discussion, but it is going to be here whether you like it or not. So, rather than resisting it, it is better to tame it. And the good news is, we have a template to work on: the concept of slavery.

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