Friday, December 14, 2018

Thirst for Success

Success is the realization of your dreams. A success is not a success without the difficulties on the road. A well-defined route with a full list of things to do degrades the taste of success. We humans need uncertainties and surprises, just like water and air, in order to stay alive in our souls.

"Indeed, We have given you, [O Muhammad], a clear conquest that Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow, and complete His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path, and [that] Allah may aid you with a mighty victory." (48/1-3)
 The above verse was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad pbuh upon the Treaty of Hudaybiyah with the Meccan opponents. At the time, there was a growing feeling of competition between the believers and the disbelievers, and those around the prophet were not eager to give up any chance to take on the Meccan oppressors, given the years of material, physical and emotional sanctions by them and the wars they waged in order to kill the believers.

If you can imagine the intensity and heat of the situation, then you can appreciate the challenge the believers faced when the prophet signed the peace treaty, instead of initiating a counter move. Even the closest friends of Muhammad AS insisted on changing his mind. "Aren't we the truthful? Aren't they the enemies of God? Then why are we halting when we can crush the party of Satan?" After all, a close victory was already promised by God?
"We shall certainly make them suffer worldly torment before suffering the great torment so that perhaps they may return to Us." (32/21)
"And they say, 'When will be this conquest, if you should be truthful?' Say: 'On the Day of Victory their faith shall not profit the unbelievers, nor shall they be respited.' " (32/28-29)
My goal here is not to make an analysis of what happened then, but to take a photograph of human nature thirsty for success. The Quranic verse I quoted above, although revealed upon that occasion, does not explicitly mention the event, but tells some lessons without a confinement in time. Namely, the verse says that the success is given 1) in order for the sins to be forgiven, whether from the past or in future, 2) to pave the way for a greater and more satisfactory achievement, 3) as guidance, 4) to welcome and make clear a great help from God. Let's think about these points, now.

When God gives you at a slow pace precisely what you asked for, be it through your verbal prayers or through work, it is not easy to see God's help. The people and other natural events fill up the stage and we really need to work deliberately to see God's hand through the apparent causes. However, when He gives us not only what we asked for but also things that we even didn't imagine, then our minds take wings and easily come to the conclusion that it was our Lord who had guided us and everything else for the realization of the result.
"And God shall increase those who were guided in guidance" (19/76)
With this firm conviction, you can more decidedly and sincerely ask for forgiveness for your sins. What sins? We are all humans, and for one reason or another, we may commit actions unwanted by God. These actions can be at the personal or social level. For a person who is desperately and diligently working hard for the realization of a goal and going through nervous exhaustion, such incorrect actions may become inevitable. Such people may fail to think twice in some situations, and may react suddenly, breaking hearts. They may fail to control their individual behavior when alone. They may be deceived by other agents who deliberately invite them into illicit ways to achieve their desired goals, and they may partially go with those invitations. And God knows what... But the bottom line is, being a person dedicated to a good cause and who has committed their lives to it, but who has committed unintentional mistakes, they need amnesty from the ultimate Grantor (48/29)

Another meaning implied by the first verse I quoted from the chapter of Victory is that success is not an end on its own, but a station. It is given to you so that you can feel joy, come to a conviction of your faith, rest from the exhaustion of your past efforts, and gain energy. Also, it is given to you so that you analyze the past and make projections to future, and get back on the road for greater goals. Before the success came, your needs, your intellect and your emotions were the sign posts to guide you towards your goal. When the success comes, however, how are you going to define a new purpose? When your feelings are at rest, enjoying the success, what is going to show you the path to set foot on? Setting roots in the moments of joy and comfort may sound good, but it is the trigger for destruction. You must get going once again!

"And expend in the way of God; and cast not yourselves by your own hands into destruction, but be good-doers; God loves the good-doers." (2/195)
At this conjunction, let's remember the prayer of prophet Joseph pbuh: "Make me die as one who has submitted to the Will of God and unite me with the righteous ones." (12/101). This prayer comes when he accomplishes all of the worldly steps in his mission, and when God fulfills His promise to Joseph. We are learning from this prayer that the worldly goals are not the ultimate goals. They are instruments or vehicles to move on the path to God. He is the eventual destination, His pleasure is the ultimate goal.
"Did We not expand for you, [O Muhammad], your breast? And We removed from you your burden which had weighed upon your back? And raised high for you your repute? For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. So when you have finished [your duties], then stand up, and to your Lord direct [your] longing." (94/1-8)
With this lesson, an in the atmosphere of the success, you may choose to go for a bigger goal, or you may choose to once again start the road in a completely new area as an apprentice. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is something to keep you on the road.

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