Sunday, March 31, 2019

Renaissance - 1

The longest part of our lives that passes in utter darkness is in our mother's womb. At a time when we are not even aware of ourselves, when we are not able to take care of any need of ours, we are treated perfectly, fostering our development. And we forget all of this story when we transition from the world of darkness to the "world of light", where we continue growing physically, mentally and spiritually. In the world of light, we see things that are beyond the imagination we had when in the realm of darkness. However, as time passes, the world of light itself becomes a veil for other things.

Just like sun makes the stars invisible, the immensity of the life events flood our conscience, and we hardly ever remember our beginning. Losing ties with our roots veils our vision that has the power to show us our Compassionate Creator. Whether we see Him or not, though, our Creator is Compassionate and Wise. He guides us through ways we are not aware of. When the adventure is over, however, we can see the intricacies of our journey, which brings us face to face with our Lord. Until then, that is until our arrival to the realm of the light, we need to act according to the rules of the game in darkness. In this article, I want to share my thoughts on one aspect of the game of darkness. But first, why darkness, in the first place?

In our lives, night is the time of darkness. This darkness is the time for resting, rejuvenating, and intimacy with your loved ones. Even for your relationship with God, your worship during the night is the most effective. Darkness is an end to everything that blocks us from thinking. It is a wall against all the turmoil of current events that blind us towards the big picture. Darkness is the birth place of tomorrow. Darkness is the womb in which new creations of God incubate.

When the dawn breaks, when the sleep is over, a new life begins. So, being a person of constant renewal, believers must use their free wills and all faculties to conceive a new tomorrow, where they are going to enjoy the fresh surprises of the destiny. Failing to do so and copying yesterday to tomorrow is the recipe for death, be it physiologically, mentally or spiritually. Evolution is the distinctive property of those alive. Then, what are the new actions for tomorrow? What is the timeless lesson from yesterday? And what is old and outdated?

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