Monday, April 29, 2019

Renaissance - 6

Due to the intertwining of the arts with various forms of sins, traditionally, there has been a cold shoulder among Muslims against arts, the exceptions being literary and architectural ones. Although there were some artistic endeavors in paintings (miniature) and architecture and also, to a much less extent, in music (sufi music), they remained mostly reserved to limited people, and arts in general were questionable due to the conditions existed during the onset of the Islamic history. Seeing this suppressed status of arts among a vibrant civilization that has affected today's world in many ways, and finding no concrete evidence from the Quran that supports such unconditional grudge against arts, it only makes sense to investigate the compatibility of the modern status of arts within an Islamic life style. That is we need to figure out whether, instead of being an instrument of sin, arts can be a form of worship, i.e. an act pleasing to God.

Before I go any further, I would like to expand the definition of arts in an unusual way. Sports in their various forms are actually a display of art performed with the body, much like a dance, solo or  in group, albeit with less concern for aesthetics. Still, the existence of an order in the movements in order to complete a big picture, the need for training for the body to perform those movements point at the fact that sports are in the larger family of arts. So, in this episode of reflections for a renaissance of faith, I want to look at the importance and indispensability of arts and sports.

The only acceptability of sports, from a traditional perspective, is due to their contribution to the strength in case of war. Recently, fighting with obesity has been added to the list of reasons to endorse the sports. Similarly, traditionally speaking, arts are acceptable mainly in shaping buildings or furniture. Aside from these advantages of arts and sports in the conventional thinking, if you come to the modern times, sports and arts are among the risky avenues of life, as the income thereof is limited, and there are few opportunities for singling out of the crowd and achieving great things. So, from a parent's perspective, what is the point in pursuing these highly risky ways when there are more certain ways of earning your life through being an officer, engineer or a tradesman?

With this kind of a background, the individuals with an aptitude towards sports and arts develop as the misfit, hyperactive and less attentive students who are not intelligent enough to succeed in the normal lessons and, so, have to be channeled towards less valuable (!) occupations. Overall, both from a traditional religious perspective and from a conservative family point of view, arts and sports are shunned or confined, let alone being an avenue of worship.

Is this what we would read from the Quran?

First of all, although Quran includes clear orders and prohibitions from God, it is not just a book of dos and don'ts. It makes sense that the God, who created the humans with free will and with a longing for freedom, guides them through some orders and prohibitions, but it doesn't make sense that He limits all of their actions. So, as a methodological principle, only the crucial rules are given or limits of certain practices are outlined. Accordingly, for example, the fact that interest is forbidden doesn't mean that making profit through trade is banned, the fact that intoxicating substances are forbidden doesn't mean that making medicine from plants or artificially synthesizing them is banned. With this principle and our topic in mind, let's look at the Quran to see verses about arts and sports.

Well, of course when reading the Quran, you wouldn't read the exact words "arts and sports", but you can see their precursors, implications or proxies. For example, a well-cooked meal may compel you to appreciate the blessings of God and to thank Him (7/31, 14/7), whereas a malcooked meal using the same raw materials may send you to the bathroom. Clearly, cooking well is a form of art, and those who are consuming well-cooked food everyday are exposed to art without knowing it. Furthermore, a person who has an aptitude for cooking can better appreciate the Great Artist through His work in the natural foods we have around.

A person who is into athletics can much better feel and experience the art engraved into their body (82/6-8) through the exquisite and extreme body motions they perform. And through this appreciation comes a gratefulness towards the Designer and Builder of that body. Plus, these individuals can better appreciate that Designer through the amazing movements and talents of the animals in the nature.

At a more fundamental level, read the answer of Moses pbuh to Pharaoh, when asked about his Lord:
"He said: Our Lord is He Who gave to everything its creation, then guided it (to its goal)." (20/50)
Artists have an innate tendency and urge for doing what their God-given nature tells them. The above verse clearly tells that it is God who gave that nature in the first place and is inspiring them. Accordingly, Quran is not telling to suppress this nature but to orient it. And I should tell in explicit terms that painting, drawing and sculpting live objects has received much negativity due to their historical link to idol worshiping, but "you cannot claim water as evil because of the floods".

Supporting the same idea, we are told that the humans are created in the best degree of quality (95/4, 15/29, 32/7). How would you know this really, unless you study and try to imitate that excellence created by God? The only way for us, humans, to appreciate something is through tasting it and testing it. Arts, in their various forms, serve to this end. Especially in the modern times, with the advent of technology and its merging with arts, those who are involved in the development of the bio-mimetic or robotic technologies have a better chance of understanding the quality in the creation of humans.
"He has also created people, beasts, and cattle of various colors. Only God's knowledgeable servants fear Him. God is Majestic and All-pardoning." (35/28)

From a different perspective, it has been traditionally known and scientifically proven that arts and sports reduce stress and help with the anger management. Being a religion of peace, Islam can't be against them. In fact, among the properties of the believers, we are told in the Quran, is the ability to control anger (3/134, 5/8). So, this means that activities that serve to this end are endorsed by the Creator.

Accordingly, imagining the death, paradise and hell are key elements in calming anger and frustration. Quran includes several depictions of these, e.g.  in chapters Al-Rahman, Al-Waqiah. But again, such depiction is a form of art performed by our Lord, hence an example for those feeling the inspiration.

A case of pure faith, the miracles of the messengers of God, in the eyes of the beholders, are a form of art. People realize the intimidatingly high quality and power in that art so that they come to the conclusion that the person working that miracle is sent by God. Then, those who are active in that field of art are more able to appreciate that quality, as happened with the magicians (20/70) at the time of Moses pbuh, and the eloquent poets (2/23, 36/69) at the time of Muhammad pbuh.

Through this last example, that is the case of the poets, we are given (26/224-227) the criterion to distinguish the limit. In the case of poets, the limit is lying and encouraging conflict among people. From the historical context of the time, we know that the art of  poetry in Arabia was the best tool for good and bad. So, Quran is instructing through this example that, as long as you don't violate the general principles of Islam, it is acceptable to exercise your art.

Overall, arts and sports fuel a thinking heart, and are actions originating from it. We know that a thinking heart is essential for an authentic and enduring believer (22/46, 7/179), and is the engine of contemplation. We also know that thinking and feeling without acting is the least level of faith, as the believers are those who enjoin good and forbid evil in every way and in the best way possible (3/104, 16/125, 20/44).
"By the One in Whose Hand is my soul! Either you command good and forbid evil, or Allah will soon send upon you a punishment from Him, then you will call upon Him, but He will not respond to you." (Tirmidhi, Fitan, 9, Grade: Hasan)
"Whomever among you sees an evil, then let him stop it with his hand. Whomever is not able,then with his tongue, and whomever is not able, then with his heart. That is the weakest of faith." (Tirmidhi, Fitan, 11, Grade: Sahih)
If you consider the artistic and sportive talents as seeds sown by God, then not fostering them and not exercising them is like wasting a potential given by God. So, a renaissance of faith must restore respect to God (taqwa) in this regard.
"Say: 'O my Servants who have wasted against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. Turn in repentance to your Lord and submit to His will before you are afflicted with the torment after which you can receive no help. Follow the best of what is revealed to you from your Lord before the torment suddenly approaches you and you will not realize how it came about.' " (39/53-55)

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