Friday, October 6, 2017

Recipe for Concentration in Salah

This is going to be a very short blog on how to be present with our Creator during our five daily prayers. In fact, this problem has to do with the same issue that we have in our dealings with people, that is being here and now, being present with them "really". Before any further word, let's read what our Lord tells us:
"Certainly will the believers have succeeded: They who are during their prayer humbly submissive; and they who turn away from ill speech," (Muminun 23/1-3)

Here, I used the translation by Sahih International, and so I need to do an expansion on the meaning of "humbly submissive" and "ill speech". First, the original word for "humbly submissive" is "khashiuun", which could also be interpreted as being fully present with Allah. Second, the original word "ill speech" is "laghw", and it could also mean things that are in vain.

At this point, let's remember the prayer of our dear prophet pbuh:
"O Allah, I seek refuge in You from a heart that does not humble itself, and from a supplication that is not heard, and from a soul that is never satisfied, and from knowledge that does not benefit," (Tirmidhi, Book of Supplications, 3482)
I italicized the last part about the knowledge, because that is the part that, I think, is of importance in understanding the above verse that juxtaposes being fully present and staying away from useless things.

In our society today, especially with the availability of information through TV, radio and internet, we are under a constant bombardment of information that is not necessarily related or useful to us. Still, our minds have to sift through this junk to find what is useful. But, what is worse, since we are very much into the social media, we are actually choking our minds with garbage. In the end, our poor brain finds itself in a constant job of swimming in an ocean of useless things. The result? Lack of presence here and now. Why? Because our minds know that almost all of the stuff that is here and now are junk. A mind that is trained to "not be present here and now" can not simply switch to the "be present" mode, hence our lack of real connection with people and with our Lord. Let me also assure you that what I am telling here is not just philosophy but is based on neurophysiological findings.

Solution? Use your will, stay away from eating garbage. At least, do a fasting against it. Let your mind clear itself. When you bow or prostrate before your Lord, try not saying anything but staying silent until you feel that you are fully there. Then continue with your next gesture of prayer upon feeling the smile of your Friend (Baqara 257).

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